Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's A Numbers Game

I am finally headed home after a busy couple of weeks. I am about to leave Accra, Ghana here in about 2 hours. For some reason, I thought there was a conspiracy against me getting on the plane tonight so I decided to leave the Holiday Inn Accra Airport Hotel (please note the name of the hotel) to check-in early for my flight. For some reason, I thought it would take longer, but now I am in the lounge for next 1 1/2 hours. Great strategy on my part. So instead of boring myself to sleep and missing my plane to complete the alleged conspiracy, I will instead bore you with a little game that I call: It's A Numbers Game.

1- number of emails read today about frequent fliers having a panic attack on the plane causing them never to fly again.

0- number of hours expected of sleep on tonight's overnight plane. Any questions, refer to #1.

200- Number of heart beats per minute when flying over the VERY bumpy Sahara Desert especially after reading #1.

10-15- number of pounds gained due to the influx of TexMex last week.

2- Number of delicious chocolate sundaes enjoyed on plane within the last week to contribute to TexMex weight gain.

3- Number of layers of epidermis that have pealed off my face since last weekends sunny weather.

3- Number of days it took to get my hotel room in Accra to a reasonable sleeping temperature. For reference, the AC was on high for 3 days. 1st night 78F, second night 74F, today 72F. The lady at the airport said my passport felt 'cold' because I had left it in my room today. Note to Africans, thank you for the hospitality this week, but for reference 72F is not cold.

2- Number of hours difference between the time in Accra, Ghana and Paris, France although western France is due north of Accra, Ghana.

1- Number of scheduled cage matches between myself and one Quirico Filopanti.

1- Number of cancelled cage matches between myself and Mr. Quirico Filopanti because of complications surrounding the livliness of one Mr. Quirico Filopanti since he has not been alive since 1894.

1- Number of rescheduled cage matches betweeen myself and one of Mr. Quirico Filopanti's family members that is still alive. I will need to somehow avenge my anger with the inventor of global time zones.

3- Number which happens to be my favorite because of 03/03/76 being the greatest day in the history of all days. Also happens to be the number of visited continents this week. Not a good thing.

2- Number which happens to be inferior to the number 3, but also happens to be the birthdate of my much older, much grayer, more acclimated to aging sister who is now almost closer to 40 than 30.

1- Number of better ACs that are currently working right next to me in a much more efficient fashion vs. Holiday Inn Accra Hotel.

10- Number of my fingers experiencing some sort of frost bite from efficient AC unit that is currently beside me.

1- Number of pairs of gloves that would be useful right now although I am in the most humid place in the world.

0- Number of internets working so that I can check the spelling of this entry.

.90- Number of Percentage, 90, of words mis-spelled in this entry.

2- Number of readers that commented on mis-spellings before today.

2- Number of additional cage matches to be scheduled if these 'concerned' readers comment further on mis-spellings especially regarding this entry.

1- Number of people saying 'Goodnight from Accra.'