Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"It's Cloudy" Welcome to France

First things first, Tom's wedding was great. I am really happy to see him so happy with Annie. If you ever want to test yourself vs. a nervous breakdown tell your colleague to call you on Friday at 7:00 AM when you are planning to leave a country for 3 years. He needs to then ask you to fax over some passport information so he can get your for a visa for a business trip to Africa. Next, you need to realize that you left your passport somewhere and the only solution is drive 3 hours in traffic to get a new one. Upon arrival you will be considered a possible terrorist threat because you want three passports. Drive back 3 hours to be in a rehearsal for a wedding that you are 30 minutes late to.

The LA Times on Saturday Classified Section

Soft pink object for sale. It will be of no help to anyone. Owner is looking to sell and will consider any offer. He needs space to fill with sand, blocks, kids train set pieces, maybe even Batman toy. Item once considered to be a brain, but has since been confirmed that is more like old yogurt left on kitchen table. Malaria repellent will be considered as fair trade.

Secondly, Quirico Filopanti, the idea man behind global time zones, is the devil. We were on the plane for almost 18 hours and to land at 11:00 AM when it should be 2:00AM is just outright evil. I am now suggesting that the entire world be set on the 7:33 time zone where no matter what time it is, it is always 7:33.

Thanks to genius man, this is the summary of our first night together.

7:00- While laying in bed watching the rain hit the skylight

Jen- Wow, the clouds sure are moving fast.

10:00- I awake from what I think is a full night's sleep to find out that it was more like a nap.

Brett- You know, those clouds are moving fast.

12:30- After, a few hours of what had to be considered as Studio 54 Paris by our neighbors, kids are in bed with us.

Abby- Daddy, the clouds move fast in Paris.

Grey- Daddy, the Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

1:00- Whispering with Abby

Abby- Daddy, I sleep with my eyes open. I close my eyes and then they just want to stay open. This is why I can't sleep.--It is amazing what exhaustion can add to a conversation with a 4 year old.

1:10- Abby leaves the bed.

2:00- Abby returns from playing and begins the takeover of what is now considered The Louisania Purchase of our bed. Sprawling from corner to corner.

2:10- Jen conceeds Ohio and moves to the opposite end of the bed in order to have more room.

3:00- Upstairs radiator had too many nachos and begins to make belching sound. Number of people awake, one. Number of people that work the next day, well that is me too.

4:00- Finally, sleep for everyone. Maybe I should rent out the three other beds in the house?

First night, long night, best night....Welcome to France.

1 comment:

Drew, Laura and Henry said...

Brett you make me laugh- thinking of you guys and your babies.
