Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It has been awhile, so this post will cover the following subjects:

1. Thank You
2. Family Olympics
3. Sausage Sandwich

I have also posted a couple of pictures from the last couple of weeks. Jen and I had a great evening out for our 10th anniversary which included a nice dinner and a stroll under Gustav's tower.

1. I am deeply, deeply grateful for the birthday gifts. It just goes to show you that it is a thought that matters, not the item. The fact that someone would spend $30 for freight on $5 of food is awesome. Wait my stomach and taste buds are taking over the computer--"Blah, blah, blah. People this is the greatest day of our lives. Last week in Africa darn near killed us. Tomorrow we have to somehow choke down fa de frois in front of the bosses. These last few weeks have been tough, but today makes us feel that hope is been brought back to America, sorry we just got caught up in the moment. Today makes us feel like Brett has hope. We feel like the Slumdog Millionaire kids and we didn't even win an Oscar. We saw the Sugar Wafers and we begged Brett to eat them for breakfast. We then came home and his wife, who is currently being investigated for several attempted taste bud murders, gave him a ice cold DP and made us a great dinner (seriously it was good), and then we opened up some good old fashion processed Velveeta cheese with Rotel. We ended up the day with a home made cake. We thought it was some kind of terrorist plot, but it wasn't a trick. It was a real cake and really good. We love foreign birthdays. In fact, tomorrow Brett is 33 1/365 and we look forward to getting some more good stuff. Now back to your regularly scheduled boring blog.

2. It is official, pigeon chasing and wheel spinning need to be Olympic sports. Better yet, pigeon chasing, wheel spinning, and what I now refer to as the "My Son's a Drunken Sailor 10 Meter Walk" should all be Olympic sports. Look at the videos below and you will see what I mean. If you can tell me the number of times you see Grey's head, I will send you a year's worth of fa de grois. The kids have taken this pigeon chasin thing to a whole new level. We went to Notre Dame this weekend and it the midst of this great French landmark, our kids are having training sessions with the pigeons. It was great fun and interestingly enough preists in Paris run out to get smokes after the services.

3. Sausage sandwich. French lessons finally start next week, delayed one week because of scheduling. I noticed since being over here that the world has become amazingly automated. I don't why I just noticed this, but good grief if we keep this pace up we are not going to need to leave the house for anything. This past few weeks, we have had to do somethings over the phone and wouldn't you know it is a French voice automated system which has lead us to what is now a top 5 word(s). Sausage sandwich. This is how it goes:

Operator: asljfoaifoflkdaflknsdfief (this is what it sounds like)

Me and Jenny: "Sausage Sandwich"

Operator: kasdfoifjewfkjlkfjldf (again see above)

Me and Jenny: "Sausage Sandwich"

After about 2 or 3 of these, we get a person and bust out with the old: Parlez vous Anglais? Viola, action. Note to pathagreom theorem, you need to step it up. Sausage sandwich is useful, fun, and the guys above really like to eat it. You have been put on notice and you need to work yourself into some conversations, perferably English based.

Overall, we are really having some good fun. The weather is starting to turn so it allows us to get outside more. We will keep in touch and write more often.
It is 9:15pm, I guess I need to call my sister and tell her that she can now begin to officially talk about her birthday (probably has already, kidding of course).
Thanks again.

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