Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Le Jour de les Etas-Unis

This morning I had the unique pleasure to sit in a meeting in which the langauge of choice was French. During the two hours, I thought of many things:
1. Has someone (including myself) stated in my resumè that I can speak or understand French?
2. I am screwed.
3. I am going to learn French in 2009.
4. I am so screwed.
So on the way back to the hotel, I thought today I would write about the Le Jour de Merde. Before I continue, it is somwhat amusing how things do not change. I know little French, but I somehow know a swear word in French. I will plead innocent, because the word is the title of an expat book about living in Paris.
To return to my intended path, I returned back to the hotel for lunch. I was in the dining area and continued to hear about what is going on in Washington today and I came to a new conclusion. What a great day to be white, black, brown, green, American, French, Gabonese, bilingual, or even unilingual (with a cuss word included). My meeting is a perfect example of the greatness of today. Today is the perfect example of what can take place if people are willing to change, learn, and act. The night I listened to his acceptance speech in Iowa, I had a strong feeling that Obama would win the election. Jen has gone so far to say that I am obessed with Obama. I am. I don't know why because I am a straight laced Republican. In my letter to the kids this Christmas, I told them that I voted for Obama for them. I did not want to see America pass up on such an opportunity to change history. Today is not the inaguration of a Democrat. Today is not the day of defeat for the Republican party. Today is a day where Americans can all say we have learned, changed, and acted. 40 years ago we could not drink from the same water and today we get to say, "Barack Obama President of the United States." If you stop and really think, it is pretty amazing.

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